Successful Financial Future
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Our Background:
Bill Gunderson founded Gunderson Capital Management in 2006. He witnessed the collapse of momentum stocks in the late 1990s. He also saw the meltdown of the most popular value stocks in 2008. Pure momentum investing ignores value. On the other hand, pure value investment ignores momentum. Both are necessary, so Bill Gunderson created the Best Stocks Now! style of investing. This combines both momentum and value.
“What is market timing?”
- The economy and markets are cyclical
- Successful investment requires both a good offense and a good defense
- Here at GCM, we’ve been bullish since March 2009
- We have turned cautious a few times along the way.
- But with earnings growth and market expansion, it’s best to make hay while the sun shines.
- S&P 500 earnings have been growing since 2009
- This cycle will eventually end
- Then comes time to protect your harvest
- Active management in timing the market is central to our philosophy
- Anyone can buy the index
- Anyone can buy and hold
- Anyone can allocate assets
- Active management is a science, and it pays off
“How does risk tolerance affect investing?”
- There is a direct correlation between risk, potential reward, and potential loss
- Greater risks offer potential for a higher gain or loss
- Lesser risks offer smaller gain potential with less potential for a loss
- It is our job to figure out where you fit on the risk tolerance scale
- We offer portfolios that fit your investing risk tolerance
- This consists of:
- Three different equity portfolios
- One income & growth portfolio
- One individual bond portfolio
- During full investment, these portfolios have 25-40 positions
- At times, they may have inverse funds as hedges or investments
- The portfolios may have a high degree of cash
“What is the objective of our portfolios?”
Income & Growth: This portfolio seeks long-term capital gains treatment. This is a buy-and-hold portfolio.
Conservative Premier Growth: A portfolio made up of large-cap companies Bill deems suitable for investors who are low-risk.
Ultra Growth: A moderately-aggressive and volatile portfolio designed for investors with long-term time horizons, seeking maximum growth.
Emerging Growth: This is our most aggressive and volatile portfolio. These are smaller-cap stocks compared to Premier Growth.
Best Funds Now: A portfolio designed for investors with long-term time horizons who are seeking maximum growth.
Best Bonds Now: A portfolio of individual corporate bonds. It presents a lower risk than equity portfolios.
“What is our time horizon?”
- You should have a time horizon of at least a few years
- 3-5 years is a good minimum for investing
- 5-10 years is even better
- Planning is crucial
- If you do not have a plan we will work with you to create one
- Having a plan takes the emotion out of the equation
- It is important that your emotion, strategy, and expectations are realistic and consistent