Portfolios, Retirement Income Planning, Risk Management, & Consulting
Our Portfolios
We currently manage 5 portfolios that offer various degrees of investment risk and return. From the conservative investor that is seeking stability and income to the more aggressive investor looking for capital appreciation and growth. You can mix and match, but we will recommend the best fit that is tailored to your needs.
Money Mgt.
Most clients hire Gunderson Capital Management for the management of their assets, but over time clients come to understand the significant value in these ongoing, non-investment-oriented services. Financial planning is not a static event, but rather a dynamic journey that must be evaluated regularly. We believe that the pursuit of these financial planning areas is crucial to obtaining financial success. Financial planning services are very broad in nature and are specific to each client’s request or needs and may include Risk Management, Retirement Planning, Investment Analysis & Planning & Private Individual Consultations.
Best Stocks Now Newsletter
The Best Stocks Now! Newsletter contains Bill Gunderson’s weekly market analysis, research notes, market forecasts, and his current recommendations for 401K/TSP allocation decisions. Additionally, our “Client” and “Live Trading” subscriber versions provide Bill’s model portfolio holdings and weekly trade activity.